A lesser-known side of Social Services and Child Care Proceedings by Alexandra Speight & Julian Flewitt, Childcare Solicitors.

Involvement with social services often has a stigma attached to it, even more so if the Local Authority start care proceedings in court. There is a lesser-known side to court proceedings when the local authority believes a child to be beyond parental control. This means that a parent or carer, despite their best efforts are not able to keep a child or young person safe, forcing the Local Authority to step in.

The reasons why a child may be too much for their parents or carers to cope with can be varied and include physical disability, learning needs or mental health issues. Physical disabilities can vary significantly, and some parents or carers struggle to cope with what are heavy daily demands on them.

Alternatively, a child may have a learning or emotional need which can affect the care and support they need all the time. Mental health issues can stem from many sources, but often can lead to a young person risking self-harm or exposing themselves to exploitation. Sometimes it can prove too demanding for a parent to provide the high level of supervision necessary to keep a child safe.

Despite the best efforts of parents and carers, sometimes a child’s needs cannot be met, despite support and assistance. All local authorities have a duty of care to support vulnerable children and sometimes, this can only be provided by stepping in. Unfortunately, finding the right placement, either with extended family or foster carers can be difficult. Sadly, the number of children needing specialist placements is increasing, at a time when there are few placements available. Some placements that are found are far away from the place a child was brought up, creating a whole new set of issues to deal with. Some placements only meet some, rather than all of the child’s needs.

This is where we can help. Peace Legal are experts in navigating the complex and often hidden world of care proceedings. We always help our clients maximize the prospect of a good and sustainable outcome for their children. We advise at each and every stage of the process and ensure that the assessment of them is fair, clear and balanced.

Even when ‘secure’ placements become necessary, we are well placed to ensure that parents and carers have a say in their child’s life and future, including the provision of reasonable contact. We often contribute to how children are assessed by professionals and medics to understand their needs better. Whatever happens, we always keep our clients informed.

If you are concerned and are struggling to cope with your child and a social care officer has discussed with you a placement outside of your care, please contact Peace Legal and speak to one of our Children Care specialists on 01226 341111, request assistance through our website or contact ellis.tolan@peacelegal.co.uk

Posted on Mar 06, 2023

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